Basket Dutch Canopies
Dutch Canopy Awnings or also popularly known as French Canopies are ideal for French windows and Arch shaped windows . Although , initially designed for windows , the application of Dutch canopies is now used extensively even as Entrance canopies . The Dutch Cap awnings provide excellent balance of Solar control combined with Visual control , providing just the right amount of privacy and natural light inside a room . The solar protection benefits go upto 77% protection and Energy savings upto 30% if used on all East and West facing windows . Beautifying your home is another aspect on every persons mind . Dutch canopies would enhance the beauty of your home to make it more inviting for you after a hard day at work . Guests would feel more attracted and comfortable right from the time they set their eyes on your exterior decor and you would be flattered with praise for your aesthetic cum architectural sensibility .
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